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Sealing criminal records of marginalized people will improve many lives

Mon September 26, 2022

“We must build systems that don’t subject members of already-marginalized communities to the never-ending costs of an ineffective “tough on crime” agenda. Changing the law governing criminal records, and our […]

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Social Media Features: August & September 2022

Mon September 12, 2022

This summer, we piloted regular social media features aimed at keep us connected with you, while cultivating curiosity, knowledge sharing, and action. We are looking forward to continuing these posts […]

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Canada must end “extreme”, prolonged solitary confinement

Wed September 7, 2022

On August 30th, The Canadian Civil Liberties Association, John Howard Society Canada, the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies, and Elizabeth Fry of Mainland Nova Scotia – along with Lisa […]

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Social Media Features: June & July 2022

Tue July 26, 2022

This summer, we are piloting regular social media features aimed at keep us connected with you, while cultivating curiosity, knowledge sharing, and action. Below, you will find a summary of […]

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Recommendations in Inquest into the Death of Delilah Blair: Systemic Change Is Needed

Mon July 25, 2022

On June 30th, 2022, jurors came to a decision and made 38 recommendations in the inquest into the death of Delilah Blair. Delilah Blair was a 30-year-old Indigenous woman who […]

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