Emilie Coyle | Executive Director |
Nyki Kish | Associate Executive Director |
Jenn Martens | Executive Assistant |
Jacqueline Omstead | Senior Advocate |
Brianna Bourassa | Lead Advocate, Pacific |
Fiona Traynor | Lead Advocate, Atlantic |
Sheri Pranteau | Special Projects and Advisory |
Kris MacMillan | Prairies Regional Advocacy Support |
Kelsey Timler | Post Doctoral Fellow- CRPOI Development |
Our membership is comprised of 22 local member societies. These local societies are located across this land known as Canada and offer critical front-line services to their communities. Each organization is self-governing, with its own board of directors, executive director, staff, and volunteer team. Knowing that we are stronger and more effective when we work together, local societies collaborate on key issues, best practices, and funding proposals. Local societies become members of CAEFS through an in-depth application process and sustain their membership through engagement, reporting, and annual membership dues.
CAEFS’ 5 regional advocacy teams monitor the conditions of confinement in the six federal prisons designated for women and two regional psychiatric centers, and advocate alongside the people incarcerated there.
Regional Team | Federal Prison | Psychiatric Center |
Atlantic | Nova Institution for Women | None |
Quebec | Joliette Institution for Women | Philippe-Pinel National Institute of Legal Psychiatry |
Ontario | Grand Valley Institution for Women | None |
Prairies | Edmonton Institutino for Women & Okimaw Ochi Healing Lodge | Regional Psychiatric Center |
Pacific | Fraser Valley Institution | None |
Regional advocates are trained by, and accountable to, CAEFS. Our teams are comprised of staff and leadership from local member societies, and volunteers from the broader community. Regional advocates are an integral part of our advocacy work, which you can read more about here.
See our 2020 / 2021 annual report for a list of our regional advocates.
Some local member societies have organized themselves into regional councils. The mandate of each council differs, but generally work to represent their local members and advocate for the issues impacting their communities on a provincial and regional level.
Council of Elizabeth Fry Societies of Ontario (CEFSO)
Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba Elizabeth Fry Societies (ASMEFS)
Pacific Region Elizabeth Fry Societies (PREFS)
Name | Position | Region |
Aleksandra Zajko | Board Member | Québec |
Alison Aho | Secretary | Atlantic |
Chantal Banman | Board Member | Pacific |
Cory Roslyn | Past -President | Ontario |
Debbie Carriere Robinson | Board Member | Ontario |
Diane Bergeron | Board Member | Québec |
Jennifer Murphy | Board Member | Pacific |
Kassandra Churcher | Treasurer | Québec |
Kelly Potvin | President | Ontario |
Kelly Redmond | Board Member | Ontario |
Megan Rutherford | Board Member | Atlantic |
Micki Materi | Board Member | Pacific |
Nancy Martel | Board Member | Atlantic |
Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies
(613) 900-4605
Registered Charity 108074980RR0001
© 2021 Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies | Proudly designed by Intent
Website Illustrations by Cherylanne James