Day Six: Elizabeth Fry Week 2023
5/13/2023Welcome to the penultimate day of Elizabeth Fry Week 2023!
We are so grateful for the conversation that we hosted yesterday with Cathee Porter, Ed Dante, Tamara Humphrey, Audrey Yap, Patrick Falle, and Bristol Hobson – moderated by nyki kish.
Together, they discussed the collaborative processes they use to create a community-academic partnership that explores the barriers to re-entry faced by people on parole. They shared how their partnership strives to move beyond merely ‘giving voice’ to those with lived experiences to promoting leadership within the community, collaborative knowledge production, and actionable policy solutions.
As audience members, we were also given insights into the daily challenges facing people on parole, and the impacts that restrictive conditions have on people on parole as well as their communities and loved ones and how we might reimagine what we think of when we think of “public safety”.
Thank you to our panelists, and to everyone who listened in!
Community Spotlight: Anastasia
Meet Anastasia! Anastasia is the next person we are featuring as part of our Elizabeth Fry Week community spotlights. Anastasia is one of many inspirational people in the CAEFS network who have experienced parole and who are pillars of their communities.

One of the many things that makes her awesome is that she is the Volunteer Coordinator with Elizabeth Fry Northern Alberta.
Want to know more? Anastasia shared with us why she is so awesome, in her own words.
I am so awesome because…
- after I did my time for the crime the government wanted to hire me.
- I now help folks transition back into the community post incarceration.
- the resilience alone to be able to bounce back after many barriers are put in place to defeat us.
- of everything I learned before, during and post incarceration I am now able to effectively make choices for the betterment of myself and those around me seeking or needing support.
- the system that was placed to defeat me I have risen above from and continue to make hope and shine.
Did you know?
People who are experiencing parole face numerous barriers when re-entering community, including barriers to accessing employment. Not only do people need to negotiate the stigma related to having a criminal record, there are logistical challenges of having to meet various parole requirements and conditions, while holding down a job. Moreover, many people who are released from prison have not had access to meaningful vocational training while incarcerated and so options for employment may be limited. The list goes on! When people on parole do successful retain and maintain employment, it is thanks to considerable effort and commitment, combined with community support.